Regenerative Managing®
Flourishing People Producing Thriving Enterprises

Only a Regenerative Enterprise® Thrives Forever in the Face of Creative Destruction.

Kim C. Korn and Joseph B. Pine II invented Regenerative Managing® to enable enterprises to thrive forever. A Regenerative Enterprise® engenders its own creative destruction to revitalize itself just as creative destruction sustains the vitality of its ecosystems.

Regenerative Managing
Regenerative Managing®, the way of managing created by Kim Korn and Joe Pine over the past 15-plus years, serves as a guide for vitalizing enterprises through regeneration. It stands unique in three ways:
- It builds from the premise that enterprises practicing regeneration can thrive forever.
- It establishes the universal first principles, imperatives, and patterns of practices fulfilling this premise.
- It encompasses all managing — governance, leadership, management, and culture — being holistic, complete, integrated, comprehensive, definitive, and harmonious.
The result: Regenerative Managing engenders Regenerative Enterprises engaging people who flourish as they create ever-greater economic value that enriches humanity.
Regenerative Managing does not specify practices, as it calls for all practices to be tailored to the unique circumstances of an enterprise and its businesses. Regenerative Managing sticks with universal principles true for an enterprise seeking to thrive in any and all circumstances.
Deriving the Regenerative Managing Framework
Following form its premise, it objectively identifies first principles based on the essential nature of humanity and economic value creation. This principles-first approach to defining managing distinguishes it from other forms of managing that deduce principles inferred from experiences, intuition, and anecdotes. And especially from the rationalizing, aggrandizing, and seductive stories of winners. Executives desperately seek to glean insights for their own managing love these stories they can relate to.
But these stories largely avoid sober assessment and objectivity as to why any company wins or can win over the long term. The truth they disregard – we know full well the longevity of companies, in general, does not exceed random chance. The well-told stories of successful enterprises, stellar leadership, and excellence in management revealing the supposed fundamental principles at work have yet to solve the puzzle and challenges of managing enterprises to thrive and thrive indefinitely.
Mainstream managing is not effective and has a long way to go to become so. On the other hand, regenerative first principles provide an objective foundation upon which to build a way of managing producing enterprises built to thrive forever.
Regenerative managing raises the bar as to what you can expect from a way of managing. For one thing, though not a new concept, it embraces creative destruction from the get-go, the chief characteristic of natural healthy business ecosystems. It builds from the ground up on the premise that managing must intend to vitalize an enterprise through its ongoing regeneration to be capable of thriving indefinitely.
It also identifies the first principles of humanity organizing to create economic value in an objective vs. anecdotal manner. And then and only then tells stories illuminating principles at work in the wild.
To cap it off, regenerative managing forms a holistic and comprehensive framework addressing the totality of enterprise managing. It spans from the core intent to vitalize through to the daily vitalizing practices. It encompasses all activities shaping and operating an enterprise, whether leadership, management, governance, as well as culture and any other aspect of organizing.
Employing the Regenerative Managing Framework
This complete and definitive framework then serves to make sense of any company’s way of managing. It guides the assessment of an enterprise’s way of managing to reveal insights into and gain a perspective of its existing practices. It serves to make sense of common and newly emerging practices of managing. Ultimately, it serves to guide enterprises to become regenerative.
So, begin by using Regenerative Managing to make sense of your enterprise’s way of managing. Use it as an assessment tool to reveal the true nature of how your enterprise manages to create value, including revealing what it intends and why its practice of managing produces the outcomes it does in the enterprise it creates.
Then go on to use it to reveal, understand, and classify the various approaches, practices, trends, and fads in managing – whether six sigma, lean, agile, democratic management, and a host of others. A host of new methods and techniques continue to emerge claiming to be people-engaging, innovation-fostering, and wealth-generating. But while practices popularized do present tempting opportunities to improve your managing, they also entail great risks.
These new methods do often introduce confusion and discord, or simply do fall flat, as an enterprise seeks to instill new practices into their way of managing. But managing, overall, still fails to produce perpetually thriving companies. So do test all practices, old, new, and borrowed against the only holistic managing framework available to see what they have, don’t have, and discern what you can expect them to do.
With all that it addresses and does, Regenerative Managing stands in stark contrast to mainstream managing that focuses on enterprise optimization and profit maximization. It instead focuses on enterprise vitalization, with profits being the salutary side effect, to create ever-greater value in the long-term. It does this in a way that enriches humanity overall. Engaging people who flourish in vitalizing their enterprise through regeneration, it endows an enterprise with the capability to thrive indefinitely in enriching humanity. In doing this, regenerative managing provides the greatest possible economic, shareholder, and stakeholder return over the long-term.
Managing’s Renaissance
An inflection point in managing occurred as mainstream managing demonstrably failed with the advent of radically faster innovation, especially innovation due to digitization. This shift from the focus on optimization to the need for ongoing vitalization of an enterprise and its businesses prompted an explosion of new methods and practices of managing. You see this emergence of new practices in Agile, Humanocracy, Laloux Evolutionary Framework, Customer-Driven Management, Holocracy, many more, and possibly the greatest of them all, Rendanheyi.
But until now, despite of this powerful emergence of new methods of managing, this revolution has lacked an objective, truly first-principles-based, comprehensive framework for making sense of it all. At the same time, rampant technological advances, dematerialization, and digitization, modularization, endless new discoveries, pervasive innovation, shifting societal demands on businesses, and truly seeking to engage people in disruptive innovation demands a new conception of managing. No business or its offerings to customers can remain static even for a moment in today’s rapidly evolving business environment.
Addressing this sea-change in the world of business enterprises requires a total rethinking of managing from the ground up. The Regenerative Managing Framework we (Kim and Joe) created provides just that. As mentioned above, it provides not only a comprehensive framework to guide rebuilding the managing of your enterprise, it also provides a lens through which to view and make sense of the revolution in managing going on at this moment all around you.
See managing again, as if for the first time, through this truly revolutionary framework built on first principles of humanity and economic value creation to vitalize an enterprise in its ever-evolving circumstances of healthy economic creative destruction. We designed Regenerative Managing, from the ground up to make enterprises capable of thriving forever by engaging flourishing contributors in the proess.

We challenge you to look at the world around you through the lens of regenerative first principles. See today’s thriving companies exemplifying regenerative first principles at work. Employing this lens, you can also see the first principles they neglect to exercise. With your new understanding of just what a regenerative enterprise entails you will gain deep insights into how companies today are gaining and have a chance of sustaining their vitality as they thrive in dominating existing and create new markets never imagined before. You will see how a regenerative enterprise can persist in sustaining its vitality despite the world of rampant creative destruction it lives in.
With a loss of faith in mainstream managing, a recognition that heroic leadership does not endure, a lack of engagement in nearly seventy percent of employees, and enterprises failing to thrive in highly competitive robust economies, new practices are emerging and proliferating like never before.

Managing’s Challenge
Regenerative Managing builds up the natural capability of engaged contributors to the enterprise to create, innovate, and operate it to thrive in the present while re-creating it, steadily evolving it, to thrive in the future.
In sharp contrast to thriving indefinitely, we see many if not most enterprises on a trajectory to fail. As you read on, just look at their way of managing from a regenerative perspective to discern how they, in effect, manage to fail.
But managing in accordance with the regenerative philosophy, managing goes well beyond optimizing and scaling. To sustain enterprise vitality forestalling degeneration, regenerative managing routinely operates, discovers, innovates, and regenerates in the face of persistent creative destruction. Regenerative Managing, truly effective managing, begins with an intent to vitalize. Fully following through on this intent makes an enterprise capable of thriving forever.

Only regenerative managing produces a thriving trajectory for an enterprise as a matter of routine.
In addressing managing’s challenge, we designed a whole new way of managing, a greenfield design, not one built up from anecdotes or anecdotally synthesized principles. or piecemeal foundation. With our objective approach – avoiding the deep-seated influences of conventional managing, interpreting correlation as causation and the survivorship bias of past winners of the “thriving lottery” – we discovered a whole new basis for managing. The managing we discovered regenerates the enterprise with the same vitalizing forces of creative destruction occurring outside the enterprise. We, therefore, called our new way of managing Regenerative Managing—managing producing Regenerative Enterprises sustaining their vitality indefinitely to make them capable of thriving forever.

The Regenerative Enterprise®
With the pervasive and persistent gales of creative destruction, every enterprise faces the challenge of ever-encroaching mediocrity and eventual failure. To thrive in a rapidly changing and ever-evolving world, an enterprise must learn to embrace the very forces managing has conventionally sought to fight against. To thrive indefinitely, an enterprise must mirror the ongoing creative destruction regenerating in its ecosystem and thereby become regenerative itself. Once learning to do this through Regenerative Managing, an enterprise can sustain its vitality indefinitely to thrive forever.

Regenerative Managing builds from an intent to vitalize. Following through on this intent makes and keeps an enterprise fit for its environment. This leaps beyond the conventional intent to optimize. Optimization, with its single-minded pursuit of stability, scale, and lower costs eventually and inevitably leads to enterprise degeneration. We soon came to realize that if an enterprise does not manage to thrive forever, it’s managing to fail eventually. Following our guiding light of discovering managing carrying out an intent to vitalize, we set our on our journey to discover and define Regenerative Managing.

Regenerative Managing’s Essential Attributes
The premise of a self-vitalizing regenerative enterprise defines the fundamental nature of the enterprise we designed regenerative managing to produce, operate, sustain, and evolve. Having this foundational understanding of the regenerative enterprise, we performed interrogative inquiry to make sense of the way of managing that brings it about and perpetuates it. This commonly employed method of formulating questions to gain an understanding of a matter has been employed since ancient Greek philosophers identified it in the first century BC.
Formulating the questions and answering why, who, what, when, where, how, and in what way regarding the premised regenerative enterprise, we defined the seven essential aspects of enterprise value creation to be managed.
Knowing these aspects, we then deduced the seven requirements of regenerative managing. From the seven requirements, we identified the first principles of regenerative practices. Lastly, we derived its seven imperatives. Together these requirements, first principles, and imperatives define the essential attributes of regenerative managing.
Managing practices, when collectively manifesting these essential attributes, produce a regenerative enterprise. In brief, regenerative managing comes down to carrying out these seven imperatives:
- Infuse meaning to inspire people, guide the enterprise, and enrich humanity.
- Unleash potential to engage the fullest capability of each contributor to flourish.
- Embrace individual customers to offer each one just what they want, need, and desire.
- Liberate creativity to engender instinctual innovation throughout the enterprise.
- Orchestrate vitality to sustain value creation in the ever-emerging opportunities before the enterprise.
- Effect creative destruction to regenerate the enterprise organically, as a matter of course, in creating ever-grater distinctive value.
- Achieve coherence to continually generate enterprise vitality through practices adhering to Regenerative Principles and tailored to its enacted circumstances.
The slides below present the requirements, first principles, and imperatives for each of the seven aspects of Regenerative Managing defining the essential attributes.
Regenerative Managing’s Seven Essential Attributes
The Requirements, First Principles, and Imperatives
Webcasts and HBR Article
Introductions to and Overviews of Regenerative Managing

Many thanks to Aga Szóstek and Łukasz Szóstek of Catching the Next Wave for inviting Kim to speak.
See The Principles of the Regenerative Management Webcast produced by Catching the Next Wave with Kim.
See the Regenerative Managing article on HBR in 2014 by Kim Korn and Joe Pine.
Lastly, here is a 30-minute Regenerative Managing webcast Kim did with Barry Bettman of Catalyzing Business Agility.
Following the main event, Barry and Kim had a brief follow-up discussion about Kim’s pursuit of regenerative managing.

The Regenerative Managing Framework
The Regenerative Managing Framework begins with an intent to vitalize emanating from the regenerative premise of a self-vitalizing enterprise capable of thriving forever. Following from this premise comes the essential attributes of managing undergirding regenerative vitalization. Lastly, the adoption, development, and exercise of vitalizing practices engender perpetual and persistent distinctive value creation on the part of the regenerative enterprise.

Customized to both create and respond to the unique circumstances of the enterprise, the vitalizing practices craft a distinctive identity realized by enacting it in the domains of the enterprise. These practices fulfill the requirements, adhere to the first principles, and carry out the imperatives making up the essential attributes of regenerative managing while creating and fitting with the unique circumstances of an enterprise.
The guiding identity and value-creation domains constructs are part and parcel of vitalizing regenerative practices. The tailoring and instituting of vitalizing practices, both in enacting and reacting to the realities of the domains of value creation to sustain enterprise vitality never ends. It requires clearly understanding circumstances as the source and means of enterprise value creation.
The guiding identity describes the sources, the wellsprings of, distinctive value creation. It describes the uniquenesses of the enterprise in terms of its nature, qualities, beliefs, and attributes.
The value-creation domains describes the means, the field of actions where the enterprise creates value. In the form of a map, it illustrates the players, resources, capabilities, and their configuration and interrelationships. It highlights uniquenesses critical to creating distinctive value.
Vitalizing practices tailored to the circumstances of enterprise, both what it is and what it aspires to be, both craft and realize identity as they enact and react to realities of value creation in the domains of the enterprise.

- Identity begins with and builds around the enterprise’s sense of purpose answering why it’s in business.
- Essence of enterprise characterizes the ways it produces value, governs itself, its legal structure, and its ethos, its sensibilities at play in every decision it makes and action it takes.
- Nature of offerings speaks to what it creates in terms of types of offerings and customer value.
- Effects of heritage expresses where the enterprise has come from and how its past shapes its possibility going forward.
- Path of progression designates when it creates value in pursuit of its aim and goals.
- Body of values describe the beliefs and behaviors underlying the thoughts, actions, and decisions governing how value gets created.
- Finally, the way of managing describes in what way its managing becomes distinct, yet in accord with the essential regenerative attributes, in producing a distinctive enterprise.

Characterizing the domains entails mapping out the means an enterprise employs to create value.
- All means lie within humanity, whose enrichment provides the ultimate means and ends of why it creates value.
- Contributors are the people who the enterprise engages to create value, whether as employees, contractors, volunteers, and even, sometimes, customers.
- Customers paying for the offerings of the enterprise to fulfill their needs identifies what value the enterprise creates.
- Economies, with their possibility and opportunity, describes where an enterprise creates value.
- Ecosystems, enacted by enterprises, create value when an enterprise applies its knowledge to create value.
- Businesses describe how an enterprise creates and captures value.
- Lastly, the offerings of an enterprise define in what way they provide customers value through their functionality and representation.
Identity and domains define and describe the essential factors of the circumstances from which an enterprise creates value. They hold the key to harmonizing all the aspects of the enterprise, guiding its evolution, and integrating its capabilities.

Regenerative managing, in harmonizing the whole, organically regenerates and vitalizes an enterprise. Its practices discover, develop, sustain, and evolve the uniquenesses enabling an enterprise to perpetually create distinctive value for its customers. It focuses the energy and guides the evolution of an enterprise on a vitalizing path of progression.
Regenerative enterprise practices – whether strategic, tactical, day-to-day getting stuff done, operational, innovational, housekeeping, maintenance, or any other kind – collectively make up an ongoing cycle of identity formation and realization. In this virtuous cycle, they perform more than a hypothesis test of meaningful purpose. They perform an ongoing hypothesis test for all the essential factors underpinning distinctive value creation realized in the enterprise’s domain of value creation.

Looking Through the Regenerative Lens
Regenerative managing can serve as a lens for understanding and interpreting any company’s way of managing. With this lens you can see regenerative first principles at work in enterprises across the world. Though few if any enterprises fully embrace every first principle of regenerative managing, many embody one or more of them in their way of managing.

Mayo Clinic, possibly the world’s preeminent health care organization, founded in 1864, epitomizes many if not all regenerative managing’s essential attributes. It infuses meaning, putting the individual treatment of patients first through its integrated clinical practice, education, and research. It unleashes potential in its contributors, intrinsically engaging them in a highly collaborative pursuit of purpose. It embraces individual patients in line with its mission. It liberates creativity through extensive exploration of medical techniques and internal collaborations. It orchestrates vitality with its learning rapidly integrated into its practice of medicine. It effects creative destruction, continually replacing old methods with new methods of diagnosis, treatment, and care. And lastly it achieves coherence with its ever-evolving practices and circumstances.
Ecolab’s CEO Douglas Baker Jr recently oversaw broadening the company’s purpose to reenergize its contributors. He extended its mission “to make the world cleaner, safer and healthier – helping businesses succeed while protecting people and vital resources” with a vision to provide and protect “what is vital: clean water, safe food, and healthy environments.” This better reflects how he intends for Ecolab to make the world a better place. Baker notes how this refinement of purpose better inspires and guides Ecolab “As our teams widened their awareness of global issues, our pride has been enhanced.” In pursuit of this humanity enriching meaningful purpose Ecolab has grown to $58 billion in market value.
W. L. Gore & Associates, maker of GORE-TEX®, was founded on what are essentially regenerative first principles, by Bill and Vieve Gore in 1958 after seeing the oppressive effects of command and control from inside the bureaucracy at DuPont. In doing so, they eschewed conventional managing to build a way of managing satisfying workers innate needs by presuming people to be self-motivated and self-directed.
Gore also illustrates vitality orchestration in how power flows to value. Leaders at Gore only become and remain leaders if associates choose to follow them. If team members see greater value-creation opportunities elsewhere in the company, they can migrate to a different team or even form a new team of their own. In that way, the contributors themselves choose when, where, and how to create new value and customer offerings, as well as effect creative destruction.
—————–, created with Jeff Bezos’s distinctive way of managing currently thrives due to its practices reflective of regenerative first principles. It’s dedication to customer requirement fulfillment, customer centricity, and embrace of individual customers is outstanding. Amazon obsesses over customers. It constantly seeks out new ways of creating value in the way it orchestrates its learning and knowledge gained from continual explorations, persistent exploitation, and operational feedback. With an intimate understanding of each individual customer it works tirelessly to eliminate any customer sacrifice in selecting, ordering, paying for, and reviewing their purchases.
Haier Corporation, the multinational home appliance manufacturer based in Qingdao, China developed better and stronger value creation by obliterating conventional management roles. It’s CEO, Zhang Ruimin un-formed the existing organization and its conventions of managing by eliminating 12,000 middle management jobs with the creation of thousands of micro-enterprises of eight or so people. In the middle management vacuum arose “a network of entrepreneurial ventures run by employees, whose compensation is based on the success of their products in the market.”
Ruimin, like regenerative managing’s first principles, recognizes empowerment plays no role in effective managing. He states that, “Nowadays, the management model in many enterprises is “empowerment,” but we are not empowering; we are returning all the power to the employees.” Haier calls its way of managing Rendanheyi, the epitome of customer-centric value creation, which refers to connecting employees with users. It intends to reduce the “distance between the organization and its end users to zero and moving as close as possible to a state of co-creation with the customer.” throughout the enterprise by tightly linking jobs and compensation to customer value creation. Ruimin changed the culture of Haier overnight.
Alibaba, founded in 1999 in Hangzhou, China by Jack Ma, grew to a market capitalization of $352 billion by the end of 2018. Specializing in e-commerce, retail, Internet, and digital technology, it continually grasps the possibility before it by liberating its creativity to continually create ever-greater value with persistent innovation.
Microsoft, with its current rejuvenation guided by Satya Nadella, has been remaking itself to become an innovative growth-oriented customer-centric enterprise. In asking the organization why Microsoft exists, Nadella heard its meaningful purpose loud and clear, “We exist to build products that empower others.” He goes on, in true regenerative fashion, to say “That is the meaning we’re all looking to infuse into our work.”
Nadella notes, “Having a deep sense of customers’ unmet and unarticulated needs must drive our innovation,” consistent with the regenerative imperative to embrace individual customers and the limitless opportunity first principle. At the end of his 2014 ‘manifesto,’ he reinforces the connection between meaningful purpose and innovation of value creation saying, “We will reinvent productivity to empower every person and every organization on the planet to do more and achieve more.”
He also states, “We can’t let any organizational boundaries get in the way of innovation for our customers.” In addition, he sees companies as having an identity being “that collective purpose that a company represents.” And this purpose empowers “every person and every organization on the planet to achieve more.” Nadella clearly sees innovation as having no boundaries within Microsoft’s meaningful purpose, an essential ingredient for the growth-mindset culture he’s instilling in the company.
Nadella appears to be set on making Microsoft a regenerative enterprise: Infuse meaning. Check. Unleash potential. Check. Embrace the individual customer. Check. Liberate creativity. Check. Orchestrate vitality. Probably. Effect Creative Destruction. To some degree. Achieve Coherence. Maybe.
Fujifilm orchestrated its way from the shift in photographic technology from chemical film to digital images where Kodak failed to do so and filed for bankruptcy in 2012. It did this by creating a full new product line for hospitals and healthcare providers based on their expertise in photographic film, a market that evaporated with the advent of digital photography.
Apple, over the past two decades, exemplifies getting their identity, and its realization, right. It developed a strong understanding of the distinctive value it intended to create. It also boldly effected creative destruction, internally and in its enacted ecosystems, as it created offerings well beyond what its competitors or customers ever imagined at the time.
Apple’s complementary offerings of the iPhone, iTunes, iPod, curated app store, and browser capability were simply better offerings than what appeared to be unassailable competitors and intransigent industries at the time. The iPhone was not first by any means, but it creatively destroyed the Blackberry and Nokia offerings and business models as it captures nearly all the profits of the world-wide mobile phone industry flowed to Apple. With iTunes, Apple re-created the music industry. The focus and direction of Apple, guided by its identity, created a moat, or more like a wake, of innovation competitors failed to overcome for over a decade.
Spotify explicitly tailors its managing practices to circumstances. It sees the customization and evolution of practices as key to creating ever-greater value. “The so-called ‘Spotify Model’ is the result (or product) of a learning journey led by Spotify employees and partners in order to create a useful process to help them (not you) to achieve their own business needs (not yours). And yes, they are still learning and changing this continuously — actually, by the time you are reading this, they may have changed or completely replaced one of the practices that you’re pushing people to copy at your organization.”
Elkay Manufacturing lives the value of its motto “We are in business forever.” This maker of sinks, fountains, and high-end plumbing founded in 1920 on Chicago’s north side, continues to thrive today as it successfully competes with Kohler, Moen, and Delta Faucet. CEO Tim Jahnke evidences several regenerative first principles in saying, “We honestly try to do what’s right for our brands, our people, our customers, and our suppliers.” The motto, he adds, “truthfully represents who we are.”
Many other companies also exemplify many essential regenerative attributes and are worthy of study. A short list includes Accenture, 3M, The Morning Star Company, Semco, GM recently under Mary Barra, and Netflix.

Take the Regenerative Managing Challenge
Take the Regenerative Managing challenge! Test your current way of managing against regenerative managing. The Regenerative Managing Framework stands ready to guide re-inventing your way of managing. It serves as a framework for the innovation, re-thinking, and re-invention of managing. Look to employ its framework to assess, interpret, and understand your current, proposed, and possible new ways of managing.
Whether pursuing agile, lean, customer-centric methods, self-organization, or other means of managing – check your managing against Regenerative Managing’s essential attributes to expose any hurdles or gaps to gaining the full benefits of your new approach. Or simply look to adopt regenerative managing from the outset and begin creating practices befitting your circumstances to create distinctive value.
Regenerative Managing holds out the promise that people can flourish, enterprises can thrive, and society can be enriched in the face of persistent creative destruction. And always keep this in mind: if you are not managing to thrive forever, you are managing to fail eventually.

Become Regenerative
Putting the Regenerative Managing Framework to work, you can create your own thriving enterprise. You do this by tailoring your managing practices to fit your unique circumstances in accord with regenerative first principles and to carry out its seven imperatives. Developing and deploying Regenerative Managing practices begins with your adoption of the concepts of regenerative enterprises and managing, instilling an intent to vitalize, and embracing the regenerative imperatives as your comprehensive guide to managing. Making your enterprise regenerative, whether from the start or as a transformation, involves the simultaneous and complementary activities of developing and deploying Regenerative practices, employing those practices to form identity, and doing the same to enact value creation based on your identity.
Fully regenerative enterprises practice all seven imperatives—unleash potential, infuse meaning, embrace the individual, liberate creativity, orchestrate vitality, effect creative destruction, and achieve coherence—all in accord with the first principles of regenerative managing.
But taking on all these imperatives at once would be imprudent for most enterprises. First, your strategy of managing must be in sync with your enterprise’s strategic needs and priorities.
If your enterprise’s most pressing need is a viable business model, begin with the imperative to effect creative destruction to address this critical issue. Or maybe your enterprise is not yet customer-centric, which points to the possibility of focusing on embracing individual customers.
But in every case, the imperatives are interdependent and mutually reinforcing. So, until you address all of them, your enterprise will lack its full regenerative capability.
Just address becoming regenerative in a logical manner. For instance, don’t unleash the full potential of every contributor independent of infusing the meaning which aligns them.

Regenerative Managing Stands Unique
- It clearly states its premise for a regenerative enterprise.
- It discovers and builds upon first principles regarding people and value creation.
- It encompasses all dimensions of managing — all leadership, all management, all governance, and all cultural factors shaping the enterprise.
- It provides a comprehensive, integrated, and definitive framework from which to form your own distinctive practices tailored to the circumstances of your unique enterprise.
- It serves to make sense of the host of newly emerging ways of managing, guide the re-invention and innovation of your managing, and provide the foundation for all managing practices you create, adopt, and deploy.

Look to regenerative managing to guide you through the most exciting time in the history of managing!

Continue Your Exploration of Regenerative Managing
Hopefully, this introduction to regenerative managing has whetted your appetite for more information.
First off, if you would like a PDF of this webpage, click:
Regenerative Managing Overview
Second, for the latest draft of our most definitive article on Regenerative Managing, A MUST READ, click here:
Managing to Thrive – Introductory Overview
Beyond that are some Briefs and Expositions…
Briefs and Expositions
And some Insights and Observations
Insights and Observations
We encourage you to over to Facebook to see Kim’s the latest musings and such: @regenerativemanaging
Regenerative Managing Facebook Page
Finally, you would like engage with us, check out:
Engage Kim/Joe
Also, tune into and use the #regenerativemanagement and #regenerativemanaging hashtags. Let’s see if we can’t make these hashtags come to life!
Lastly, below find a Synopsis of Regenerative Managing’s Essential Attributes — its aspects, requirements, first principles, and imperatives. A copy of this exists in the PDF of this page mentioned above.

Synopsis of Regenerative Managing’s Essential Attributes.