Managing’s Innovation Heroes

Many very talented people are addressing the challenges of managing. I credit them with bringing on managing’s renaissance. It’s a very exciting time indeed.

For those who have most intrigued and inspired me, I respectfully provide them a place in my managing hall of fame.

The actions of many innovators and activists taken together form managing’s renaissance – a distinct departure from the past that creates a whole new possibility going forward.

You will find the first principles of regenerative managing being exercised in many new methods, techniques, and practices of managing. Here are some of the key players dedicated to bringing on a better way of managing who collectively produce managing’s renaissance.

The regenerative managing framework serves to make sense of what all these new heroes are doing with managing.

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Peter F. Drucker
Drucker wrote the seminal book on managing back in 1954, The Practice of Management

His ideas on managing are as relevant today as they were when written in his many books published over the course of 50 years. Only now are some of his most profound insights being put into practice.

Drucker Institute preserves and disseminates Drucker’s immense body of knowledge.

Zhang Rumin

Zhang Ruimin
Entrepreneur Founder, CEO, and Board Chair of Haier Group.

Zhang stands out as an innovator of managing. With his leadership, Haier created the Rendanheyi way of managing. This way aligns the value created by employees with the needs of the users while aligning the value created by employees with the value shared among the employees and entrepreneurs.

Portrait of Gary Hamel at his home in Woodside, California. August 21, 2007 (Photos by Jessica Brandi Lifland)

Gary Hamel
Professor of Strategy and International Management, London Business School; Director at Management Innovation eXchange.

Gary challenges companies to unleash the potential of every individual contributor as he pursues managing innovation with an evangelical fervor.

MixMashup a gathering of the vanguard of management innovators—pioneering leaders, productive rebels, courageous experimenters, and agenda-setting thinkers from every realm of endeavor.

Management Innovation eXchange (MIX) is an open innovation project aimed at reinventing management for the 21st century.

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Steve Denning
Steve, a prominent managing activist, simply makes sense of managing and what the next generation of managing needs to be. He is a member of the Board of Directors SD Learning Consortium, provides his insights and observations as a Forbes contributor, and has authored The Leader’s Guide to Radical Management.

SD Learning Consortium committed to discover together the world’s most advanced Agile goals, principles and practices and disseminate them globally.

Bill and Vieve Gore

William L. and Vieve Gore
Bill and Vieve Gore founded W. L. Gore & Associates in 1958. Gore is a materials science company focused on discovery, productive innovation and rewarding careers for our Associates.

At Gore, power flows to value. At Gore you are only a leader as long as you can garner followers.

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Richardo Semler
Founder of self-managed Semco company in Brazil and author of several books and articles on how to make an organization thrive. Semler truly respects the whole person of those who work for Semco.

SEMCO Partners an active portfolio manager that adds value to a variety foreign corporations expanding their business in Brazil.
Semco Style Institute offers training to teach managing that treats adults as adults, puts people above organizational modes, and sees freedom and self-interest as the basis for collective alignment.

Henry Mintzberg

Henry Mintzberg
One of the leading thinkers on managing. The insights I gained from his book, Managing, led me to label the collective guiding activities of an enterprise—leadership, management, and governance—managing.

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Roger L. Martin
Roger is an Institute Director, Martin Prosperity Institute, Rotman School of Management.
Martin brings new modes of thinking to management with such books as:

Martin Prosperity Institute exploring the necessary requirements to achieve a prosperous future for all – one in which democracy and capitalism work in support of each other.

John Mackey is co-CEO and co-founder of Whole Foods Market and co-founder of the nonprofit Conscious Capitalism, Inc.

John Mackey
Founder of Whole Foods – An advocate for and practitioner of innovative managing.

Conscious Capitalism believes that business is good because it creates value, it is ethical because it is based on voluntary exchange, it is noble because it can elevate our existence and it is heroic because it lifts people out of poverty and creates prosperity.

Whole Foods

Bjarte Bogness

Bjarte Bogness
Bjarte developed the beyond budgeting managing innovation while at Statoil. He is the author of Implementing Beyond Budgeting where he presents how every organization can release the ambition and energy of its people who were previously slaves to the budgeting process.

Beyond Budgeting Institute: ‘Beyond Budgeting’ means beyond command-and-control toward a management model that is more empowered and adaptive. It is about releasing people from the burdens of stifling bureaucracy and suffocating control systems, trusting them with information and giving them time to think, reflect, share, learn and improve.

John Hagel

John Hagel III
John is the managing Director Deloitte Consulting LLP
Co-Chairman Center for the Edge along with John Seely Brown. Hagel and Brown authored The Power of Pull among other books in managing and innnovation.

Deloitte LLP‘s Center for the Edge develops original research and substantive perspectives on new corporate growth that helps senior executives make sense of and profit from emerging opportunities on the edge of business and technology

Clay Christensen

Clayton Christensen
Clayton, the late Professor of Business Administration, Harvard Business School.
Christensen developed his theory of disruptive innovation and now puts it into practice through his institute.

Christensen Institute a nonprofit, nonpartisan think tank dedicated to improving the world through disruptive innovation with an incredible track record of launching successful companies.

Doug Kirkpatrick

Doug Kirkpatrick
Doug began his career at Morning Star Farms and now engages with the Morning Star Self-Management Institute and other vibrant organizations and leaders to co-create the future of management. An organizational change consultant, TEDx and keynote speaker, executive coach, writer, educator and author of Beyond Empowerment: The Age of the Self-Managed Organization.

Morningstar Farms, Founded by Chris Rufer, the world’s largest tomato processor, is flatter than a pancake leveled by a steamroller. There are no managers. No directives from above. No promotions. No titles. See this article in Inc.

Morning Star Self-Management Institute: Also founded by Chris Rufer to promote self-management that brings organizational structure to an enterprise spontaneously. The managerial functions of planning, organizing, staffing, directing and controlling are the personal responsibility of each Colleague.

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Richard Straub 
As a social entrepreneur Richard founded in 2008 the Peter Drucker Society of Austria and in 2010 the Peter Drucker Society Europe. He is the president of both. The Peter Drucker Society has as its mission to be a catalyst for the improvement of Management as a vital role in modern society. As the crystallizing yearly event the Drucker Society organizes the Global Peter Drucker Forum.

The Drucker Forum, the world’s management forum where the world’s leaders in managing gather to discuss and disseminate their knowledge.

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Jurgen Appelo
An Agile proponent. Author of Management 3.0 and Managing for Happiness that both offer a collection of concrete next-generation managing practices.

Recently recruiting people to his Agility Scales project calling for enterprises to become not just agile, a holacracy, teal, or some other variation on self-organization, but become Shapeshifters that achieve the benefits of both control and self-organization.

M3.0 Management 3.0 is a movement of innovation, leadership and management. Management 3.0 sees management as a group responsibility. It’s about working together to find the most efficient way for a business to achieve its goals while maintaining the happiness of workers as a priority.


Scott D. Anthony
Scott D. Anthony is the Managing Partner of Innosight.

Scott’s insights and consulting practices regarding how to deal with creative destruction and re-vitalizing transformation illustrate regenerative first principles in action.

To get a glimpse into his knowledge and thinking, read:

Innosight Strategy and Innovation at Huron consultancy guiding businesses to harness disruptive innovations, develop the capabilities that make innovation repeatable and reliable, and discover, design, and develop new business opportunities.

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Julian Birkinshaw
Julian serves to make sense of what managing needs to be. He is a Professor of Strategy and Entrepreneurship, London Business School. Author of several books, including Reinventing Management and his latest, Fast/Forward where he makes the case for adhocracy and the replacement for bureaucracy and meritocracy as essential to thrive as an enterprise today.